by Nancy B. Clark, President
Last August, the election of officers at our annual meeting in Richmond gave me the honor of becoming President of the Congress, following the capable leadership of Dr. Daniel C. Warren. Michael Dixon has moved into the position of First Vice President and C. David Eeles moved into the Second Vice President role. The transition from our long-time Secretary-Treasurer, Ross Towle, to our current Secretary-Treasurer is about completed. We certainly thank Ross for his long-term devotion to the Congress; he will continue to serve on the Board.
Chuck Wooster, our current Secretary-Treasurer, has been a very busy fellow. He has been working to complete a series of PDF’s of all Congress Books. He has also been working with Tara Murray to prepare an index of all Congress Books in the format that the American Philatelic Research Library (APRL) would like to see.
We have tentatively agreed with the APRL to host all scanned copies of all Congress Books except the most recent 5 years and to link our scans with their search engine. We are considering doing the same with the American Philatelic Congress website.
We are also planning to offer PDF’s of all the Congress Books to APC members for a nominal price. These should be available in the new year. Henry Marquez has taken on the job of redesigning our web site. I think it is excellent and hope you do to.
Wishing our members and philatelic researchers throughout the world a very happy holiday season and a new year enriched by philatelic research.
Remember, if you would like an article considered for publication in the next American Philatelic Congress Book, be sure to let our Editor, Ken Trettin, know your plans.